Let’s Stop Judging and Dehumanizing
Stand up for tolerance, civility, diversity, and fairness.

Free Speech Pledge
Do you value your own free speech and the ability of all to speak freely? Do you think that’s important for everyone? Then sign the pledge and commit to standing up against the bigotry of cancellation and for the bedrock principle of free expression.

Unfairly Canceled
Enough is enough. Intolerance of different viewpoints is costing ordinary people their wellbeing and livelihoods. End the bigotry of cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination and help its victims fight back.

Same Rules for All
Online services, companies, and organizations have rules for what is allowed and what gets you banned, punished, or costs you your job. Help make sure these rules are enforced fairly, without bias or prejudice.
Anti-Bigotry Alliance Programs

Free Speech Commitment
Do you value your own free speech and the ability of all to speak freely? Speech is our first right because without it we can’t approach truth and won’t have any rights. Sign the pledge and commit to standing up against the bigotry of cancellation and for the bedrock principle of free expression.

Unfairly Canceled
Enough is enough. Intolerance is costing ordinary people their wellbeing and livelihoods. End the bigotry of cancel culture and viewpoint discrimination and help its victims fight back.

Same Rules for All
Online services, companies, and organizations have rules for what they allow and what gets you banned, punished, or costs you your job. Help make sure these rules are enforced fairly, without bias or prejudice.
Do you want, as we do, a civil society that recognizes that without the first right of free speech there are no rights? That understands that free speech is how we course correct and approach truth? That tolerates viewpoint diversity and doesn’t engage in the bigotry of cancel culture? That treats people fairly and equally with the same rules for everyone? Then join us at the Anti Bigotry Alliance.
Tell corporations and organizations to have clear rules and apply those rules fairly and without prejudice. Stop hurting, demonizing, and dividing people. Practice humility, compassion, and understanding.
And make this a better country for all of us.